PTSD Trauma & the Soul Webinar
with Melanie Ryan, LCSW
Recorded Webinar
Tuition: $33
Venmo: @Melanie-Ryan-33
Zelle: 914.260.1696
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PTSD is post-traumatic “soul disorder.” A disorder means there is no order and chaos is a result of unhealed trauma. Trauma is a wound to the soul. No amount of medication heals the deep wounds of the soul, but ancient wisdom has for thousands of years and we can learn these methods today.
Melanie Ryan brings the Soul back into psychotherapy, as it always was in ancient times and helps people heal on a deep level without medication.
In this online webinar you will:
Learn the history of healing and psychotherapy and how ancient wisdom provides us healing and transformation.
Understand soul loss / fragmentation and its symptoms.
Learn Melanie Ryan’s unique and effective soul retrieval technique that dissolves symptoms, heals the soul, and returns us to wholeness.
This webinar is highly experiential, please come prepared to do sacred soul work.
Facilitator: Melanie Ryan, LCSW

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