You are a seed, and with the right amount of sunshine, water and fertilizer, you will blossom into your full human potential.
Melanie Ryan
The Golden Shadow Method online course is for homeschooled teens who have an interest in psychology, spirituality, philosophy, art, nature and a curiosity for discovering their full potential.
Melanie Ryan, LCSW is an international speaker, holistic psychotherapist and ancestral wisdom teacher. She has worked with teens since 1990 and specializes in empowering them to learn how to reach their full potential. As a homeschool mother and professional, Melanie understands the challenges teens face today and provides them a space to explore who they are in a safe and sacred container.
Teens need a place to develop their emotional and intuitive intelligence. We are by nature very powerful, creative beings and the adolescent years are a vital time to build healthy self worth and self concept. With the right kind of environment, teens naturally want to explore their inner selves, have philosophical debates and existential epiphanies. In the Golden Shadow Method, we are all about that! We love to have deep meaningful conversations that are juicy and insightful. Melanie is a guide for teens to gain clarity about the truth of who they are and their life purpose. She teaches them the skills to develop mental and emotional strength so they are happy and confident, able to share their inherent gifts with the world.
Required course reading: Melanie Ryan's award winning book, The Golden Shadow Method found on Amazon.
For more information on Melanie Ryan, please see the ABOUT & CONTACT page.
Psychology & Eastern Philosophy
Thursdays, 1:30-2:30pm on Zoom
Meets for 8 weeks
January 19th through March 9th
Registration: $280
Classes are limited to 10 learners
Contact Info for Melanie:
Text Cell Phone: 914.260.1696
Payment options:
Venmo: @Melanie-Ryan-33
PayPal/Credit Card: Use button below
In the Buddha & the Shadow, teens will learn the ancient practice of mindfulness meditation. These teachings are an introduction to Buddhist philosophy and meditation as a way of working with the mind and the causes of suffering. Meditation practice is done throughout the course as a way of helping us wake up to the present moment as opposed to living in the fantasies and stories that create suffering. Teens will learn how to train their minds to cultivate a mentally stable, strong, and clear mind. Through experiential practices, we will be studying thought patterns and that create obstacles to living authentically and peacefully. This course teaches both Buddhist psychology and philosophy; and how we can work with our minds to free ourselves from confusion and unnecessary suffering.
Learn how to meditate and establish a regular home practice
Learn how you can free yourself of unconscious projections and habitual thought patterns that keep you stuck and create confusion and suffering
Work with your thoughts, emotions and sense perceptions as sparks of awakening
Meet your shadow in a direct, conscious state to discover buried parts of yourself
Awaken to your golden shadow gifts of inherent wisdom, intuition and creativity that come from meditation practice
Cultivate gentleness, kindness, compassion, and an open heart toward yourself and others
Work with fear, shame and judgement to transmute them into love and compassion
Gain mental strength, clarity, insight, and confidence
*this course required two books. The Golden Shadow Method by Melanie Ryan, LCSW and How to Meditate by Pema Chödron
Psychology, Energy Medicine, Anthropology, Quantum Science
Thursdays, 1:30-2:30pm on Zoom
Meets for 8 weeks
March 30th through May 18th
Registration: $280
Classes are limited to 10 learners
Contact Info for Melanie:
Text Cell Phone: 914.260.1696
Payment options:
Venmo: @Melanie-Ryan-33
PayPal/Credit Card: Use button below
The Shadow is a term coined by the founder of analytical psychology, Dr. Carl Jung which refers to the hidden parts of the unconscious or psyche. But long before Carl Jung, were the traditional medicine men and women of ancient times called the shamans.
Shamans are the original psychotherapists, doctors, and philosophers who have studied the nature of reality, the cosmos and consciousness for thousands of years. Shamans are greatly connected to nature which has two parts: the visible world and the invisible world.
Shamans are very connected to the Earth, the plants, animals, trees, and all the elements. They are also very connected to the Spirit that lives within all beings and the nature spirits, the elemental spirits, and our ancestors’ spirits.
Across the world, Shaman is a term used for a healer, one who “sees” in the dark. They see what others cannot see because they are in tune with their inherent intuitive gifts. Anyone can train to be a shaman and I believe we all have an inner shaman.
Everyone can learn to strengthen their intuition, it is our greatest form of intelligence which helps guide us in life, keep us safe, and gives us extraordinary powers of healing.
In this course, Melanie will help you awaken your inner shaman, to awaken the powers sleeping within you and help you discover who you truly are.
learn the ancient tool of shamanic journeying
learn to work with your emotions and how to transmute lower vibrations into high vibrations
work with ancestral guides, power animals and spirit animals
learn about Mayan Astrology, Greek Mythology, and Native American traditions
learn about the “intelligent field” of quantum science and how shamans have known for thousands of years what science is just now discovering today.
Psychology & Spirituality
Next opening Fall of 2023
Analytical Psychology was founded by the famous Dr. Carl Gustav Jung. In 1913, Jung left working by the side of Sigmund Freud founder of the psychoanalytic movement, and developed his own psychological science and school of psychology called analytical psychology. This is the study of the unconscious by way of doing what is called “Shadow Work.” The term Shadow is what Jung refers to as the unconscious, anything we are blind to, anything we cannot see about ourselves, which is repressed, denied and forgotten. These hidden aspects of ourselves can be both negative and positive. Jung taught that it was vital for our health and wellbeing to “see ourselves” in totality and be mindful and accepting of the whole self, learning how to transmute the negative into positive and embrace our inherent gifts, wisdom and powers.
Carl Jung was well known for bridging psychology and spirituality. In this Jungian inspired course, you will work very closely with Melanie Ryan as she guides you into the mystery of your Shadow to unlock its secrets.
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