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All classes will have a date soon. TBA

Awareness with Andy Steigmeier 

2-3 hours

Classes for families

Classes for homeschoolers

Adults classes 


This class goes far beyond the way everyday people see and interact with the world around them. In this class you will begin to see the “ordinary magic” around you as our ancient ancestors once did. To behold and see as few people do. This class is about the deeper meaning of awareness, observation and asking yourself the sacred question, “what does this mean?” 


Fire by Friction with Andy Steigmeier 

3 hours

Classes for families

Classes for homeschoolers

Adults classes 


Fire is third in the sacred order of survival. This class is going to take a unique approach to a common subject. We will explore the unique ways that ancient cultures from around the world utilized and designed fire by friction methods. The scope and focus of this class will far surpass the common hand drill and bow drill methods. Students will have the opportunity for hands on experience with bow drill and hand drill kits. 

If you have your own fire kit, please bring that with you. 


Let’s have fun and make some fire! 


Cordage with Andy Steigmeier 

2 hours

Classes for families

Classes for homeschoolers

Adults classes 


Cordage with natural plant fibers is one of the most overlooked skills in the art of living with the earth. Natural handmade cordage has been used since the dawn of the Stone Age to make bow drills, hunting bows, traps, clothing and so much more. In this class you will make durable, dependable cordage from common plant materials. This is a hands on experience class for making cordage and learning common methods and plants best suited for this critical skill. 


Shelter Building with Andy Steigmeier 

4 hours 

Classes for families

Classes for homeschoolers

Adults classes 


Long before houses, our ancient ancestors thrived and survived in shelters of all kinds. Shelter is first in the sacred order of survival and living with the earth for a very profound reason. The common person walking around is often one that is disconnected from our Earth mother and therefore disconnected in how they view and interact with the natural world. This class will draw you in close to the Earth.  During this class, you will see the natural world with new eyes. It will open your heart and hear the call to come home to nature. This is a hands on class and we will be constructing a debris hut shelter, discussing a variety of shelter types as well as emergency preparedness using modern means. 


Primitive Traps with Andy Steigmeier 

2-3 hours 

Classes for families

Classes for homeschoolers

Adults classes 


Food is last in the sacred order of survival. Traps are crucial in the effort to harvest animals in order to gain the required nutrients for survival and long term living.  In this class we will cover the most useful traps for small animals. Students will get hands on experience making and setting traps from materials they collect from the woods. No animals will be trapped or killed in this class.


Physical Concentric Rings with Andy Steigmeier 

2 hour Class

Classes for families

Classes for homeschoolers

Adults classes 


Picture a pebble being tossed into a calm pond, now picture a boulder being tossed into that same calm water. The initial splash and waves of energy are examples of what we are talking about in this class. The manner in which we move across and within the landscape is felt and communicated in the natural world through an intricate web that is infinite in its reach. In this class you will take your first steps into the magical world of natures internet. 


Spoon and Bowl with Andy Steigmeier & Melanie Ryan 

4 hour Class

Classes for families

Classes for homeschoolers

Adults classes 


Wilderness living skills are all connected and interrelated. No one skill is more important than another, this class is no different. This class will focus on the basics skills of making bowls and utensils. Students will be carving, utilizing fire, and stone scraping tools to create their own bowl and spoon. Please bring your own carving knife. Knives will be available for purchase if needed. Supply is limited. 


Vision Quests with

Melanie Ryan & Andy Steigmeier 

1-4 Day Vision Quests for Teens & Adults:


Vision Quest is a calling from the Creator. Here we find Vision and purpose, revelation and understanding, purification and inspiration, and healing at every level of our life. The Vision Quest opens up the realms of purity where the Quester’s heart relaxes, opens, and is able to listen for guidance, inspiration, and self-reflection that is so crucial to the spiritual journey. It is time to dive into the mind, body, and heart to explore the vast mysteries of life. We come back to our roots and become one with wild nature, and open to the realms of spiritual guidance and the Creator. Each Quest reveals its own seeds that will blossom, helping you gain the clarity you need to reach your truth and potential. 


Sacred Pipe Ceremony with

Melanie Ryan & Andy Steigmeier 

8 hour class


Join us in deep gratitude as we come together to celebrate and raise the sacred pipe honoring the creator, Earth mother, the four directions and our spiritual ancestors and teachers. The sacred pipe ceremony is more than just raising the pipe, it is a culmination of deep connection and reverence for Earth and Spirit. Students will be active participants working together to create and prepare the site for the pipe ceremony. Students will also have time for introspection during individual reflection and group sharing to set the intentions for this powerful ceremony experience.  

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